Stage 7: Ann's Blast

This argument is in regard to Ann Coulter's April 18th, '12 blog.  Ann is a vituperous vixen with a tongue like a double-edge sword (and ofttimes correct [IMHO] in her blatherings.)

In 2001, Ms. Coulter was named one of the top 100 Public Intellectuals by Federal Judge Richard Posner.  She is an author, a legal correspondent for Human Events and writes for Universal Press Syndicate.  Ms. Coulter's been profiled in multiple publications, received her J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School, and was an editor for their Review.  She is what some call a champion for the 'Right'. 

I read this particular blog submission several times before determining that I agreed with Ms. Coulter's position on this issue--not because what she had to say was difficult to understand, but because it took a few readings to get through all the animated, textual angst and disapprobation she has for (what seems like) the entire human race.  She comes across as uber-intelligent as well as double-connipted; so much so that I'm almost loathe to agree with her.  But I do agree.

Ann is commenting on the recent move by Florida legislators to repeal the "Stand Your Ground" Law in response to Trayvon Martin's death.  Ms. Coulter (as is often the case with her) seems to be shout-typing to any webbie that might give her a click.  She does get her point across though, even if it is heavily-laden with historical bits of info (both pointedly and vaguely) related to her argument: she disagrees that the incident in Florida regarding Martin is an indicative event of the resurgence of the KKK, contradicting the reports from MSNBC "intelligence".

Ms. Coulter is making the assumption that most people, ("illiterates" she calls us), don't know that ALL Klan members are democrats (her arch-nemesi) and most have an anti-black agenda and sentiment. Ms. Coulter discusses:
    • gun control
    • Klan members
    • Civil-War-period democratic paradigms
    • the misunderstood and misrepresented Republicans
    • presidential theorems
    • and the rich 
all in one truculent swish, and all in regards to the Trayvon Martin case.

Ms. Coulter, being the scholarly scholar she is, has laid out much evidence and history to corroborate her position on the newsy chatter that is percolating in the Martin case.  While I'm in agreement with Ms. Coulter on the issue, I near-choke at the disregard she has for any fellow-feeling when she's on one of her full-strength lambastings.  In my mind she is the female incarnation of Rush Limbaugh (with a slightly more flippant and devil-may-care regard for the masses...if that's possible.)  But she does have a very valid point: MSNBC's jump to blame a resurgence of the KKK for one man's stupidity is reckless and irresponsible (and may well just be a punt for ratings on their part.)

Ms. Coulter, for all her bluster, anger and lashings, is correct regarding our history (and probably our ignorance): if we correctly know what's happened in our past (and why), as well as the steps we've taken to make right our mistakes, then...
  • treading on the rights of others will be a thing of the past
  • news reports will be received with cautionary belief
  • and, most importantly, children won't be murdered walking home

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